Sophisticated Methods. Common-Sense Solutions.

Computer Fire & Egress Modeling

Gain a data-backed understanding of how your building – and its occupants – will perform in a worst-case scenario.

Let’s Solve Your Problem

Confidently Manage Complexity.

Modern computing infrastructure and software applications allow our licensed fire protection engineers to predict fire behavior, forecast the effectiveness of life safety systems such as smoke control systems, and better understand how building occupants will react. This allows us to help design and deliver life safety solutions that perform in the real world, rather than relying strictly on prescriptive code. Don’t guess whether your design is safe.

Performance Based Fire provides a degree of certainty and visualization you can’t achieve without modern technology.

Building Fire Protection
Building Fire Protection

Tech + Experience.

Our modeling specialists utilize cutting-edge technology as a core pillar of our performance-based approach to fire protection and life safety. Processing power and simulation software, however, isn’t enough. Complex modeling requires years of experience and specialized expertise – up to and including our founder, an active firefighter.

Modern Fire & Egress Modeling Programs.

Our team of fire protection engineers leverages a variety of fire and egress modeling programs. The two main ones are FDS (Fire Dynamics Simulator) and Pathfinder. FDS allows us to evaluate smoke and heat transport from fires, while Pathfinder simulates pedestrian movement in buildings. Together, these programs allow us to design and assess fire safety for any structure.

modern fire and egress
Big ideas - Focused objectives

Big Ideas – Focused Objectives.

Fire modeling is used to evaluate the amount of time it takes before conditions become untenable (RSET: Required Safe Egress Time). Egress modeling is used to evaluate the amount of time required for the occupants to evacuate (ASET: Available Safe Egress Time). The objective of fire and egress modeling together is to demonstrate that ASET > RSET. Turn to the experts at Performance Based Fire to keep your building in compliance with local, state, and federal code requirements.

Unleash Your Building's Full Potential.

When lives are at stake, it's not enough to guess how a building or fire protection system will perform. Our team of computer modeling experts deploys next-generation technology to deliver true-to-life egress simulations, accounting for changing conditions, occupancy levels and other variables. Our fire and egress modeling services can help prove hypotheses, justify increased travel distances and fire separation distances, evaluate alternative smoke detector or sprinkler spacing, analyze occupant tenability, load, and more.

Building Fire Protection

Confidently Manage Complexity.

Modern computing infrastructure and software applications allow our licensed fire protection engineers to predict fire behavior, forecast the effectiveness of life safety systems, and better understand how building occupants will react. This allows us to help design and deliver life safety solutions that perform in the real world, rather than relying strictly on prescriptive code. Don’t guess whether your design is safe.

Performance Based Fire provides a degree of certainty and visualization you can’t achieve without modern technology.

Building Fire Protection

Tech + Experience.

Our modeling specialists utilize cutting-edge technology as a core pillar of our performance- based approach to fire protection and life safety. Processing power and simulation software, however, isn’t enough. Complex modeling requires years of experience and specialized
expertise – up to and including our founder, an active firefighter.

Building Fire Protection

Unleash Your Building's Full Potential.

When lives are at stake, it's not enough to guess how a building or fire protection system will perform. Our team of computer modeling experts deploys next-generation technology to deliver true-to-life egress simulations, accounting for changing conditions, occupancy levels and other variables. Our fire and egress modeling services can help prove hypotheses, justify increased travel distances and fire separation distances, evaluate alternative smoke detector or sprinkler spacing, analyze occupant tenability, load, and more.

Building Fire Protection

Computational Modeling Applications

Wide-Ranging Uses

We utilize computer fire & egress modeling for:

  • Performance-based designs
  • Smoke control system design: atrium, smoke-protected seating, tunnels, sports venues, etc.
  • Means of egress design: extended travel distances, increased occupant loading, reduced exit capacity, exit separation, etc.
  • Fire-resistance assembly evaluations
  • Setbacks and exposure analysis
  • Fire-rated structural analysis
  • Smoke and heat vent removal
  • Open breezeway justifications
  • Smoke detector & sprinkler activation
  • Fire extinguisher layout
  • Occupant movement modeling
  • Predictive inhabitant behavior
  • Evacuation routes
  • Fire investigation

Fire & Egress Modeling FAQs

What is fire modeling?
What is fire modeling used for?
What is egress modeling?
What is egress modeling used for?
What software is used for fire modeling?
What is empirical data? 
How is empirical data used in fire modeling?
How is empirical data used in egress modeling?
How accurate is fire modeling?
Who needs fire and egress modeling?
Why is fire and egress modeling performed?
What are some applications of fire and egress modeling?
When does fire and egress modeling occur?
How much does fire and egress modeling cost?
How long does fire and egress modeling take?
What is an AHJ and what is their role in fire and egress modeling?
Are third-party peer reviews required for fire and egress modeling?
How do third-party peer reviews impact the fire and egress modeling process?
What are project stakeholders?
Is there any liability/risk associated with fire and egress modeling?
Is fire and egress modeling allowed by code?
How successful are fire and egress modeling approaches? 
What is prescriptive building design? 
What is performance-based design? 

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