ALTERNATIVE FPE SOLUTIONS TO meet or exceed prescriptive code requirements

Performance-Based Fire Design

Design and deliver unique built environments without sacrificing fire protection or life safety.

Let’s Solve Your Problem

What Is Performance-Based Fire Design?

In performance-based design, the advanced technologies of fire and egress modeling are leveraged to determine alternative means of compliance to prescriptive building codes. The goal is providing architects, builders and other clients with highly flexible fire protection engineering solutions that maximize life safety and are not confined within the limitations of the prescriptive code.

Building Fire Protection
Building Fire Protection

Save Time & Money Through Fire & Egress Modeling.

Our licensed fire protection engineers create opportunity by utilizing computational fire and egress modeling tools to demonstrate that the intent of fire code requirements are maintained. This allows for reductions in project cost and time, improved end-client satisfaction, and smoother AHJ relations.

Who Uses Performance-Based Fire Design?

Prescriptive code can create problems for building professionals. Strict interpretations can negatively impact aesthetics, usefulness and property value. Performance-Based Fire Protection Engineering helps by performing a thorough analysis of the goal of interest, with a holistic approach ensuring that fire and life safety requirements are met or exceeded.

Smoke Control
Building Fire Protection

Successful PBD Implementation.

Performance-based fire design is a powerful tool which allows us to essentially rewrite the building code for a specific application. It requires specialized engineering, and a strategic approach for success. Our approach is holistic in nature, thorough, and has yielded high success rates in the most direct and concise timeframe.


A Novel Approach.

In performance-based design, the advanced technologies of fire and egress modeling are leveraged to determine alternative means of compliance to prescriptive building codes. The goal is providing architects, builders and other clients with highly flexible fire protection engineering solutions that maximize life safety and are not confined within the limitations of the prescriptive code.

Building Fire Protection

Open Up Your Imagination.

And Your Building’s Potential.

Our licensed fire protection engineers create opportunity by utilizing computational fire and egress modeling tools to demonstrate that the intent of fire code requirements are maintained. This allows for reductions in project cost and time, improved end-client satisfaction, and smoother AHJ relations.

Building Fire Protection


Innovative Problem Solving.

Prescriptive code can create problems for building professionals. Strict interpretations can negatively impact aesthetics, usefulness and property value. Performance-Based Fire Protection Engineering helps by performing a thorough analysis of the goal of interest, with a holistic approach ensuring that fire and life safety requirements are met or exceeded.

Smoke Control

Successful PBD Implementation.

Performance-based design is a powerful tool which allows us to essentially rewrite the building code for a specific application. It requires specialized engineering, and a strategic approach for success. Our approach is holistic in nature, thorough, and has yielded high success rates in the most direct and concise timeframe.

Building Fire Protection

Performance-Based Fire Design Applications

PBD is commonly deployed for uses like:

  • Optimizing and evaluating alternative smoke control systems
  • Analyzing occupant tenability during various fire scenarios
  • Justification of increased travel distances and occupant loading
  • Evaluation of structural elements during various fire scenarios
  • Justification of decreases or omitting of fireproofing/SFRM
  • Justification of decreased fire-separation distances
  • Evaluation of alternative smoke detector or sprinkler spacing
  • Reduction or elimination of smoke and heat vents
  • Historic preservation
  • Change in use, or adaptive reuse
  • Value engineering
  • Resolution of code deficiencies

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